How to treat indoor plant pests

How to treat indoor plant pests

It is a very good idea to bring a bit of nature indoors, but what do we do when some unwanted guests show up? How do we treat indoor plant pests? Specifically, pests that are causing problems with our indoor plants! Getting an ID on the problem Are your plants not...
Soothing Plants for Your Spa

Soothing Plants for Your Spa

A spa experience should not only pamper your body, but also your soul. All of your senses should be touched to restore your balance and well-being. Choosing the proper soothing plants for your spa will ensure a relaxing experience for your clients. Choosing the right...
Plant Walls An Introduction

Plant Walls An Introduction

Plant Walls, also known as living walls are becoming a new trend as the concern for interior clean healthy air is more in demand than ever. Living walls install easily and can be made up of vines, succulents, or a mix of plants. Below are answers to some of the most...