Home 9 Interior Landscaping 9 How to treat indoor plant pests

How to treat indoor plant pests

It is a very good idea to bring a bit of nature indoors, but what do we do when some unwanted guests show up? How do we treat indoor plant pests? Specifically, pests that are causing problems with our indoor plants!

Getting an ID on the problem

Are your plants not looking as vibrant as when you brought them into your space? Are you seeing changes in leaf color, do leaves appear dry, faded, cupped, or wrinkled? Maybe you are seeing some webbing or curling on the leaves or they are developing spots or yellow specs.  These are all possible signs that you may have an insect problem.

Identifying insects on your indoor plants

Indoor plants can be attacked by a variety of insects. Some even travel in from the nursery with the plant. Below is a partial list of some of the most common:


Fungus Gnat

Leaf Miner


Root Aphid

Russet Mite

Scale Insect

Spider Mite




By clicking on each of the above links you will learn how to identify each pest and how best to treat organically.

Source: Plant Natural.com

Treating indoor plant pests – The first step to address the pest problem is to remove the infested leaves – but no more than 1/3 that are on the plant. You can also choose to spray remaining plants with a bit of water then treat with and insecticidal soap. Repeat weekly until there is no longer any trace of the pests. The team at Nivtop always takes the time to look over plants during the watering process to prevent infestations before they become a problem; this process is just part of the plant maintenance contract.

Treating your plants organicallyFor decades white vinegar has been a go to source to garden pest management. Vinegar has been proven as an effective, natural, pest killer for plants. You must dilute the vinegar 1:1 with water, using a spray bottle, spray tops and bottoms of the leaves where the pests are known to be present. You can also use vinegar deter house pests inside the location as well; you will find that the “pickle”smell will quickly fade.

Another easy and safe option is to create insecticidal soap by combining one cup of vegetable oil with one tbsp. of dishwashing soap (pure Castile liquid soap works as well). This mixture will need to be diluted for use. Add  one teaspoon to two cups of warm water, using a spray bottle apply daily to all sides of leaves surface until no sign of pest remains

Neem Oil has become a modern gardener’s best friend. This organic insecticide can be used to treat everything from insects to various fungi like powdery mildew. A spray of a ready-to-use or blended Neem oil on the tops and bottom of the infested plant’s leaves will help remove several of the pests listed above, including mites, whitefly, aphids, thrip, and mealybugs, at various stages in their life cycle.

Plant Maintenance Services for Nivtop Creations

By contracting with our team of plant experts you will not have to deal with plant pest issues. Our office plant rental service includes installation and regular maintenance. We ensure that your plants are watered and looking their best. We only source our plants from quality sources. Bringing the right plants into your workspace helps create an atmosphere that promotes happier employees and better productivity. To learn more today contact us here.

