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Why You Should Plan Your Holiday Live Plant Decorating Early

Holiday plant decorating is a cherished tradition for many businesses, creating a festive and inviting atmosphere that delights customers and employees alike. One of the most captivating elements of holiday decor is the use of live plants. From vibrant poinsettias to majestic Christmas trees, live plants add a touch of nature and elegance to any space. However, planning and contracting your holiday live plant decorating in the summer can provide numerous benefits, ensuring a successful and stress-free holiday season. Here’s why you should start thinking about your live plant decorations well before the first frost.

Holiday Live Plant Decorating Bromeliads Tree

1. Securing High-Quality Plants

Live plants, especially those used for holiday decorating, are in high demand as the season approaches. By planning and contracting your live plant decorations in the summer, you can secure the highest quality plants from reputable nurseries and suppliers. This early planning ensures that you get the best selection of healthy, vibrant plants that will last throughout the holiday season.

Holiday live plant decoration

Heirloom white, orange and grey pumpkins with colorful mums sitting by front door.

2. Better Availability and Selection

Summer planning allows you to choose from a wider variety of plants and species. Nurseries and suppliers have more availability during the summer months, giving you the opportunity to select the best options for your holiday decor. Whether it’s the perfect size Christmas tree, the freshest wreaths, or the most vibrant poinsettias, early planning ensures you have access to the best selection.

3. Custom Design and Layout

Starting your planning in the summer provides ample time to work with decorators and horticulturists to design a custom layout that perfectly fits your space and aesthetic. You can discuss specific themes, color schemes, and plant varieties that align with your brand and vision. Custom designs require time to develop and perfect, and early planning ensures every detail is meticulously planned and executed.

Holiday Live Plant Poinsettia

4. Ample Time for Plant Preparation

Live plants need time to acclimate and thrive in their new environment. By planning your holiday live plant decorations in the summer, you give the plants enough time to be properly cared for and prepared for display. This includes acclimating them to indoor conditions, ensuring they are pest-free, and giving them the necessary nutrients to stay healthy and vibrant throughout the holiday season.

5. Avoiding Supply Chain Issues

The holiday season often brings about supply chain challenges, with increased demand leading to shortages and delays. By planning and ordering your live plants in the summer, you can avoid these issues. You’ll have a better chance of securing all the plants you need without the risk of last-minute shortages. This ensures that your decorations are complete and ready to go well before the holiday rush.

Holiday Wreath

6. Cost Savings and Discounts

Many nurseries and suppliers offer early bird discounts for orders placed well in advance. By contracting your live plant decorations in the summer, you can take advantage of these cost savings. Additionally, prices for live plants tend to increase as the holiday season approaches due to high demand. Booking early locks in lower rates, helping your business stay within budget.

7. Less Stress and Hassle

The holiday season is a busy time for businesses, with year-end tasks, increased customer demands, and numerous other responsibilities. By planning your live plant decorations in the summer, you alleviate one major source of stress. With your decorating plans already in place, you can focus on other important aspects of your business during the busy holiday season. This proactive approach allows for a smoother, more enjoyable holiday experience for you and your team.

Christmas Cactus

8. Ensuring Consistency and Quality

When you contract decorating services early, you give the professionals time to source the best plants and create high-quality displays. Rushed jobs often result in subpar decorations that do not last through the holiday season. By planning ahead, you ensure that every detail is carefully considered and executed, resulting in a consistent and high-quality display that impresses your clients and customers.

9. Enhancing Customer Experience

A well-decorated business with live plants can significantly enhance the customer experience, creating a welcoming and festive atmosphere. By planning your decorations in the summer, you ensure that your office or storefront is transformed into a holiday wonderland, providing a cheerful environment that can enhance customer satisfaction. Happy customers are more likely to engage positively with your business, leading to increased sales and customer loyalty.

10. Promoting Employee Morale

A beautifully decorated workplace with live plants can boost employee morale and create a festive atmosphere that everyone enjoys. Live plants not only add to the visual appeal but also improve air quality and create a calming environment. By planning your decorations in the summer, you ensure that your office is ready to spread holiday cheer, enhancing productivity and employee satisfaction.

Holiday Live Plant Decorating

11. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Choices

By planning early, you have more time to consider sustainable and eco-friendly decorating options. Many businesses are now looking for ways to reduce their environmental impact, and holiday decorations are no exception. Early planning allows you to research and select sustainable plants, such as those grown locally or organically, and eco-friendly packaging. This not only aligns with corporate social responsibility goals but also appeals to environmentally conscious consumers.

12. Strategic Marketing Advantage

Holiday decorations are not just about spreading cheer; they are also a powerful marketing tool. A beautifully decorated storefront with live plants can attract more customers, increase foot traffic, and enhance your brand’s visibility. Planning your decorations in the summer allows you to integrate them into your broader marketing strategy. You can coordinate decorations with holiday promotions, events, and social media campaigns to maximize their impact.

13. Opportunity for Early Marketing

Starting your holiday planning in the summer also opens up opportunities for early marketing. You can tease your upcoming holiday displays and promotions to generate excitement among your customers. Early planning gives you time to create marketing materials, schedule promotions, and build anticipation for the holiday season. This proactive approach can give your business a competitive edge and increase customer engagement.

Book your holiday decorating consultation with Nivtop Creations today!

Live Poinsettia Tree


Planning and contracting your business’s holiday live plant decorating in the summer offers numerous benefits. From securing high-quality plants and cost savings to reducing stress and enhancing customer experience, early planning sets your business up for a successful holiday season. By taking a proactive approach, you ensure a spectacular, high-quality display that delights employees and customers alike. So, as the temperatures rise and summer unfolds, start thinking about your holiday live plant decorations – your future self will thank you.