Office Plants make Tampa Beautiful
We know the power of nature

If you’d like to make your office building or workspace look and feel better for your employees and visitors, living office plants deliver exceptional ambiance and beauty. Nivtop Creations provides plant rental and maintenance solutions so you can enjoy living- green plants. Indoor plants help to enhance the interiors in your workspace, refine indoor air quality and help reduce noise pollution.
Our plant maintenance program ensures beauty and function year-round, all without having to do it yourself. Nivtop Creations knows plants and can select the ones that match your business needs. Our workspace plant maintenance service includes our plant care specialists visiting your office to water and prune the plants. We also offer rotational services where we will replace the plants with blooming flowers based upon the season.
Discuss our office plant rental services today. Contact Nivtop Creations and begin your plant rental and office plant solutions.

Lisa Potvin, President of Nivtop began her career in the plants and environmental field in 2013. As a working owner, Lisa is frequently seen in the field and at client installations with her crew.

Here’s How It Works